Wetter is Better: Get the Inside Scoop on All Things Lube
•Posted on April 29 2023

Finding the right lube for your needs.
Lubes can come in a variety of different formulas and consistencies, which makes it harder to choose between options that may seem similar on paper. And even if you're not experiencing any difficulties with your sex life, it's still important to find the right kind of lube for your needs. It's not just about making things better when you're having sex; it's also about making sure that your body stays healthy and happy throughout all stages of life.
Silicone-based lubes can be be more difficult to wash off than water-based formulas, which can stain sheets.
Silicon-based lubes are best for long-term use, but they can be more difficult to wash off. Water-based formulas are easier to clean up, but not so good for use with silicone toys.
If you're sensitive or allergic to many ingredients in soft drinks or food, polyethylene glycol (PEG), propylene glycol or parabens are likely safe -- but check the label just in case.
If you're sensitive or allergic to many ingredients in soft drinks or food, polyethylene glycol (PEG), propylene glycol or parabens are likely safe -- but check the label just in case.
These three ingredients are common in lubes and will often be listed on the bottle as "natural flavor." It's best not to use these if you have an allergy, but they are generally considered safe for most people.
Some people have sensitivities or allergies to glycerin, so check the ingredients first if that's an issue for you.
Glycerin is a sugar alcohol that can cause gastrointestinal distress. It's safe for most people, but if you have allergies or sensitivities to glycerin, this might be a deal breaker for you.
Glycerin is also used as a sweetener in foods and drinks because it doesn't cause tooth decay like other sweeteners do. However, it can be problematic for people with diabetes since it raises blood glucose levels--a major concern for diabetics trying to manage their disease naturally through diet and lifestyle changes.
If you prefer a slower build-up of sensation when using lube during sex, look for a silicone-based formula that has a thick consistency similar to petroleum jelly.
If you prefer a slower build-up of sensation when using lube during sex, look for a silicone-based formula that has a thick consistency similar to petroleum jelly.
Silicone lubricants have many benefits: they're thicker than water-based ones and last longer; they don't get sticky or tacky; they're good for people with sensitive skin; and they can be used with all types of condoms (including latex).
However, there are some downsides to using them too: they're harder to wash off than water-based formulas; they stain sheets if you don't clean up right away; and some people find them difficult to use because of their thickness (they may feel like "goo" rather than liquid).
For oral sex, try a warming or tingling enhancement lube such as Wicked Ultra Cooling Lubricant Gel (which comes with its own flavor pack) or Liquid Love Fire & Ice Sensation Warming Liquid Lubricant Gel.
If you're planning on using a lube for oral sex, it's important to know that not all lubes are created equal. Some are designed specifically for this purpose and have special ingredients like tingling/cooling effects or flavors added. For example, Wicked Ultra Cooling Lubricant Gel comes with its own flavor pack so that you can enjoy both the experience and taste of your favorite fruits!
If you're looking for something more traditional (and perhaps less expensive), Liquid Love Fire & Ice Sensation Warming Liquid Lubricant Gel is another great choice. It has no flavor or aroma but still provides plenty of moisture without getting sticky--in fact it stays slick even after drying up so there's no need for reapplication throughout your session!
Water-based lubes are the most common and most versatile type of lube.
Water-based lubes are the most common and most versatile type of lube. They're compatible with all types of condoms, safe for use with silicone sex toys, easy to clean up and inexpensive.
Water-based lubricants are made with water or another liquid base such as glycerin or propylene glycol (which also acts as a preservative). These ingredients help create a smooth glide when applied onto skin; however they're not very thick so they don't provide much cushioning against friction during sexual activity. That's why some people prefer oil-based products that have more viscosity--but these can cause breakouts if they get inside your vagina!
Oil-based lubricants can be used with condoms, but they aren't as safe to use with latex as water-based lubricant. They also may cause irritation, or even break down condoms.
Oil-based lube is more likely to break down latex condoms, and it's possible that you could get an allergic reaction from the oil. If you're using an oil-based lubricant with a condom, make sure to use polyurethane ones (which are safer) instead of latex ones.
As well as being unsafe for use with latex, oil-based lubes can also cause irritation or breakouts on your skin when they're used in large quantities over time. This is especially true if you have sensitive skin or rosacea--it's best not to risk it!
Silicone-based lubes should not be used with silicone sex toys. The silicone in your lube will break down the silicone in your toy, causing it to eventually deteriorate quickly over time.
When it comes to lubes, silicone-based lube is not compatible with silicone toys. The silicone in your lube will break down the silicone in your toy, causing it to eventually deteriorate quickly over time.
In addition to being incompatible with each other, oil-based and petroleum jelly-based lubricants are also not safe for use with latex condoms or diaphragms. If you're using these types of condoms or birth control methods regularly (or at all), this can be problematic since many people prefer using water-based lubricants during sex because they're easy to clean up afterward and don't leave behind any residue on their toys or bodies after playtime ends!
Flavored lubes are generally not recommended for use during oral sex because of concerns about ingestion and long-term health effects.
Flavored lubes are generally not recommended for use during oral sex because of concerns about ingestion and long-term health effects. Flavored lube is usually made with sugar, which can be irritating to some people's skin and cause yeast infections or other infections if it's used regularly. It can also stain sheets and linger in the mouth after oral sex has ended, which is not pleasant for anyone involved!
Using the right kind of lube can make all the difference in intimacy and pleasure!
It's important to use the right kind of lube for your needs. Here are some tips:
For vaginal sex, water-based lubes are best. They're safe for both you and your partner, easy to clean up afterward, and compatible with latex condoms--the most popular type of condom on the market today.
Silicone-based lubes shouldn't be used with silicone toys because they can cause them to break down over time (and that would be pretty sad). But they're great if you're planning on doing anal play!
Oil-based products might seem like an obvious choice for masturbation since they don't dry out as quickly as other types; however, they can be messy and difficult to wash off hands or sheets later on in life (not fun!). Flavored varieties should also be avoided due to their potential toxicity when ingested orally by mistake.
Lube is a great addition to your sex life. It can make the experience more pleasurable and add some fun to your intimate moments. There are many different kinds of lubes out there, so be sure to find one that works best for you!